Monday, June 27, 2011

My Favorite Things

Oh, goody! I have two and a half weeks before I have to head for California for a 3-week homeschool convention "loop." Since moving over here the end of May, I've had no time to pursue one of my favorite homestead activities: thinning trees and hauling forest "trash" to the burn pile.

The Ponderosa pine on our homestead grow as fast as carrots, and they need to be thinned in order to keep them healthy (and so the lower branches don't all die).

So I started up the 4-wheeler this morning, hitched up the trailer, grabbed a clippers and a saw, and off I went. It's fun to make the place look nice and it's great exercise. The only trouble is that there are fourteen acres of trees and trash (leftover piles from logging years ago).


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a lot to clear. Working is fun though!

Kristy said...

i wish you could have joined marie and i last week.. it was fun..