Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sunrise in the Okanogan

Fire, fire everywhere. The sun peeked through the smoky cloud cover this morning. Other pictures show the various stages of the fire . . . until it crept up too close for comfort.

Watching the Chelan fires from the top of our mountains. Very far away!

The first hint that something's burning closer.

Burning alongside highway 97 on our way evacuating. Glad I'm not that house in the front.


Unknown said...

Ewww, I know how the smoke can smell. It was so bad last Friday that my shirt has smelled like smoke for quite a while. Though I'm glad we aren't as close to the fires as you are. I hope you continue to keep safe!

Bethany R. said...

Wow, that's crazy! I'm glad that everything ended up okay though!