Monday, July 9, 2012

New Cabinets

 Finally, at long last, the kitchen is beginning to shape up. Here are pictures of the first set of cabinets, the ones across from the sink/counter. The first picture shows the little range/stove  top and the microwave, and formica counter top for baking. The second picture shows the extra storage in the under-counter cabinets from the living room side. When you live in a 625 sq ft place, "small spaces" takes on a new meaning. The cabinets are lovely!


JoAnn said...

Oh my, they are very pretty. I thought my house was small, but 625 sq ft does give a new meaning to small. :) Looks like you are being very creative with your space.

Unknown said...

BTW, Grandma, you still have a 7-year old blog here:

Why did you leave it?