Saturday, January 21, 2012

Baking Bread on a Snowy Day

Now that we've moved over here, the wood stove is the BEST bread-raising spot . . . as long as I set the bread up high enough. Instead of four loaves at a time, our smaller oven really can only hold two, but that's plenty. The snow around here is awesome! Light and fluffy and lots of it! It's hit a couple of degrees below zero at night, and single digits during the day. I still go walking. Sort of takes your breath away! But one thing is certain: Snow and cold is better by far than RAIN, RAIN, RAIN!


Donna Alice said...

Your view takes my breath away! Absolutely picture perfect. Wish my yard looked as nice - but then again if it requires snow - maybe not. You have a nice neat woodpile too and a lovely wood stove. Mine is not as picturesque.
Maybe I should make bread today to forget the ice storm.

Patty Kyrlach said...

Great blog, Susan. Love the photos. Donna has told me so much about you--all good!

Linda49inWA said...

Hi Susan, I found your blog ghtru facebook ... Smiling and shared it with my Fred. Seasons are beautiful!! And I can almost smell your bread cooking!! HaHa not really but I do have an imagination. God Bless. ~Linda